Earth Day and Logistics – A road to sustainability

In the realm of logistics, sustainability is becoming an increasingly crucial consideration. As we celebrate Earth Day and strive for a greener future, it’s imperative for businesses to adopt eco-friendly practices within their supply chains. From reducing carbon emissions to minimizing waste, the logistics industry plays a significant role in mitigating environmental impact.


Multimodal consolidation and shipment consolidation are powerful strategies that can significantly reduce environmental impact within the logistics industry. By integrating multiple modes of transportation, such as rail, road, sea, and air, multimodal consolidation optimizes routes and minimizes empty backhauls, thereby reducing overall fuel consumption and emissions. Similarly, shipment consolidation involves combining multiple smaller shipments into larger, more efficient loads, reducing the number of vehicles on the road and decreasing carbon emissions per unit of freight transported. Both approaches not only enhance operational efficiency but also contribute to reduced congestion, lower energy consumption, and fewer greenhouse gas emissions, making them invaluable tools in the quest for a greener, more sustainable logistics ecosystem.

The Drayage “Street Turn”

Drayage street turn, also known as “street turn,” is a sustainable logistics practice aimed at optimizing container movements to reduce empty miles and enhance efficiency in freight transportation while incorporating green principles. This approach involves coordinating the exchange of shipping containers at ports, rail yards, or distribution centers, allowing for immediate reuse without the need for additional storage or transportation legs. By minimizing empty trips and maximizing container utilization, drayage street turns help decrease fuel consumption, emissions, and congestion on roadways, aligning with sustainability goals and green practices in the logistics industry. Furthermore, by reducing the environmental impact of transportation operations, drayage street turns contribute to a more eco-friendly supply chain, promoting resource efficiency and lowering carbon footprints while improving overall supply chain sustainability.

An electrified future

The Port of Oakland has embarked on an ambitious journey towards zero emissions with its recently approved fiscal year 2024 budget. The Oakland Board of Port Commissioners has greenlit a total budget of $558 million for fiscal year 2024 aimed at supporting critical initiatives, including investments in zero emissions projects and infrastructure. The approved budget allocates $163.7 million towards capital projects, marking a significant increase from previous years. Notably, $245.2 million over five years has been earmarked to fund the Port of Oakland’s electric infrastructure, supporting its zero emissions operation goals. Port Commissioners emphasize the port’s commitment to a zero emissions future, highlighting major investments in capital programs to achieve this goal. The port’s 5-year capital improvement plan projects a total spending of $1.4 billion, with a focus on upgrading electric infrastructure and advancing zero emissions initiatives. Projects included in the plan range from expanding electric charging facilities to partnering with terminals for the conversion of cargo handling equipment to zero emissions technologies. The port is poised to play a key role in building a cleaner and more efficient gateway for Northern California’s trade.

Continued Efforts

As we make the investments and strategies towards a sustainable future, it is imperative to remember that the supply chain has many areas that still need improvements. Even with all of the current efforts and funds being allocated, we as logistics professionals have a long way to go which means there is still much room for opportunities and growth. Making green decisions today, for a greener supply chain for tomorrow.